
Nuke is a closed source application developed by the Foundry.

It installs on Slackware the same way as on Red Hat or Ubuntu.

Download the installer.

Run the installer. The --target option is mandatory:

$ su
# mkdir /opt/nuke
# ./ --target /opt/mari

You must accept the EULA to proceed.


Foundry uses the FountryLicenseUtility (FLU) to register the application. Run FLU and point it to your license file:

./FoundryLicenseUtility -l $HOME/FoundryLicensing/foundry.lic 

There are various places you can place the Foundry License file:

  • $HOME/FoundryLicensing/
  • /usr/local/foundry/RLM/
  • $HOME/FoundryLicensing/

Alternately, you or your organisation may use a licensing server. This can be reached after launching Nuke.


Nuke is closed source. Unless you pay for a full license, it is illegal to use it for commercial purposes. Open source alternatives include a mix of Natron and Blender.