
Houdini is a closed source 3d animation application developed by SideFX.

It installs on Slackware the same way as on Red Hat.

Download the installer from the Houdini website. They offer a variety builds, including daily builds with the latest fixes.

For OS, choose Linux. For distribution, choose Other. The only builds available are 64bit, so you must be running Slackware64.

                    HOUDINI 15.5.529 INSTALLATION

        Enter a number to toggle an item to be installed.

        1. Houdini                                      (1885.8Mb)  yes
        2. Desktop Menus for Houdini                                yes
        3. Apprentice Licensing (Local Licensing)                   yes
        4. Commercial Licensing (License Server)          (15.4Mb)   no
        5. Houdini Engine for Maya                         (5.7Mb)  yes
        6. Houdini Engine for Unity                        (2.1Mb)  yes
        7. HQueue Server                                 (239.9Mb)   no
        8. HQueue Client                                 (168.5Mb)   no

        F. Finished selections, proceed to next step
        Q. Quit (no installation will be attempted)


        Note that the Houdini Development Kit (HDK) is installed as part
        of the full Houdini installation (selection 1 above).

        Current total space requirement: 1939 Mb
        What is your selection (1-8,F,Q) [F] ==> 
                                  LOCATION MENU

    Choose a location for installing houdini.

    Approximately 1939 Mbytes of disk space is required to 
    install the chosen modules

    Q. Quit (no installation will be attempted)

    Where do you want Houdini installed? [/opt/hfs15.5.529] ==> 


Foundry uses the FountryLicenseUtility (FLU) to register the application. Run FLU and point it to your license file:

./FoundryLicenseUtility -l $HOME/FoundryLicensing/foundry.lic 

There are various places you can place the Foundry License file:

  • $HOME/FoundryLicensing/
  • /usr/local/foundry/RLM/
  • $HOME/FoundryLicensing/ ….directory not found, moving on.

Alternately, you or your organisation may use a licensing server. This can be reached after launching MODO.

Applications Menu

Presumably because many studios have their artists launch applications from a shell, the Mari installer does not provide a launcher for the application menu. If you want one, create one in a text editor of your choice and save the file to /usr/share/applications/mari.desktop:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Foundry Mari


Mari is closed source. Unless you pay for a full license, it is illegal to use it for commercial purposes. Open source alternatives include a mix of Blender and painting-related plugins, Krita.