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-      ancy yourself an animator? Well even 
-      if you didn't before, you will do by the 
-      end of this article, thanks to Synfig 
-Studio, a vector-based 2d animation pro- 
-gram for Linux that puts lesser alternatives,​ 
-both free and proprietary,​ to shame. 
-    Install Synfig Studio directly from the 
-Ubuntu Software Center, which you can 
- aunch from the sidebar of the Ubuntu desk- 
-top or from the Applications screen by click- 
- ng the Ubuntu logo in the top left corner. 
-Do a search in the Ubuntu Software Center 
-for "​synfig"​ and click the top result (labeled 
-simply "​synfig"​). This will open a screen that 
-provides details about Synfig. At the bottom 
-of this screen are two additional packages 
-that you can install along with Synfig, so ac- 
-tivate those and then click the Install button 
-at the top right of the window. 
-    Technically,​ Synfig is a backend applica- 
-tion that renders animations and vectors, 
-while Synfig Studio is the graphical applica- 
-tion with which you will actually interface. 
-Since using Synfig (the backend) directly is a 
-very advanced practice, this article will use 
-"​Synfig"​ and "​Synfig Studio"​ interchange- 
-ably when speaking about "​Synfig Studio"​. 
-    Not strictly necessary, but especially 
-helpful, are these additional packages: 
-python-wxglade,​ libstdc++5, ffmpeg, Kcol- 
-   Once all of these are installed, launch 
-Synfig Studio from the Applications screen. 
-More Complex than It Looks 
-Normally I relish in telling people that an ap- 
-plication is a lot simpler than it looks, but in 
-the case of Synfig Studio, it's deceptively com- 
-plex. If you're used to vector drawing or even 
-pixel painting, the tools and windows of Syn- 
-fig will appear to be self-explanatory. Don't let 
-it fool you; Synfig is a big, complex, and pow- 
-erful application. If you think you know how to 
-use it based on previous drawing experience, 
-try to forget everything you think you know, 
-because Synfig deals with shapes in motion 
-and as a result works very very differently 
-than the static images you might be used to 
-creating. If you know nothing about vectors, 
-bitmaps, or computer art, then you're a little 
-ahead of the game, in a way. 
-     In Synfig Studio, there are four (4) win- 
-dows: the tool window in which your anima- 
-tion and drawing tools are located, the can- 
-vas upon which you draw, a palette window 
-for layers and navigation, and a timetrack 
-where you can visualize the changes being 
-made to your drawing over time. Most of the 
-windows are more connected to one anoth- 
-er than it appears, so be prepared to use 
-each of them often. 
-A "Hello World" 
-Let's do a quick and easy animation 
-just to get familiar with the basic 
-concepts of Synfig. As our first mas- 
-terpiece, we'll animate a sunrise. 
-    Click the Rectangle Tool in the 
-Tools window. First, we'll draw the 
-sky, so pick a colour for your land- 
-scape, probably blue would make 
-sense but you're the artist so pick 
-whatever you want. Synfig expects 
-you to just know RGB or YUV values 
-off the top of your head, but you 
-can also use hex values if you're 
-familiar with web design. Either 
-way, I find that an application like 
-KColorChooser (installable from the 
-Ubuntu Software Center) is endless- 
-ly helpful; I launch it, find my colour, 
-and copy/paste the hex code. 
-    Once you're happy with your 
-colour choices, draw a rectangle 
-to encompass the entire canvas. 
-It should turn blue. If, upon seeing 
-all that blue, you decide you didn't 
-quite nail the shade that you want- 
-ed, you can change it using the Fill 
-Tool from the Tools window. 
-    You've done well so far, so save 
-your animation (such as it is) by click- 
-ing anywhere in the gray area around 
-your canvas, or use the arrow located 
-at the conjunction of the canvas rul- 
-ers. You'll find the Save option in the 
-File menu, as usual. From this point 
-on, you can save with [Ctrl] + [s]. 
-    Now let's draw the sun. Choose 
-your colour, choose the Circle Tool, 
-and draw a yellow circle on your can- 
-vas. Notice that when you drew the 
-sky and the sun, new layers were add- 
-ed to your Layer Palette on the right 
-side of your screen. Of course, as with 
-any graphics program, the order of the 
-layers matter; the topmost layer cov- 
-ers a lower layers. Since everything 
-you draw gets its own layer, it's really 
-smart to name your layers as you go. 
-Single-click on a layer to name it. 
-    And finally, draw a sloping land- 
-scape. I chose green for my colour, 
-and used the Bline Tool. The Bline 
-tool, as you might guess, draws 
-bezier curves: mathematically-cal- 
-culated curved lines that are ad- 
-justed with handles located at each 
-node of your shape. When drawing 
-a Bline shape in Synfig, you need 
-to close the shape by bringing your 
-mouse to a node and right-clicking 
-on it to choose "Loop Bline" from 
-the contextual menu. This closes 
-the shape, filling it with your Fill 
-Colour, and adding it to your Layers 
-    Once the landscape object ex- 
-ists, you can use the Transform tool 
-from the Tools window to bend its 
-lines; click and drag the top of your 
-landscape to give it a gentle slope. 
-    Notice that when you drew the 
-landscape, two new shapes got add- 
-ed to your Layers: the Bline Fill and 
-the Bline outline. Synfig sees out- 
-lines and fills as separate objects 
-(although by default they are locked 
-together in pre-defined shapes like 
-circles and rectangles). 
-     Now let's animate the action of 
-the sunrising. 
-     What is animation? Well, it's just 
-movement of some pixels over some 
-amount of time. So all we have to 
-do in order to get movement in our 
-scene is to tell Synfig where the sun 
-should be in the first frame of our 
-animation, and where it should be 
-at the final frame, and Synfig will do 
-the rest of the work for us. 
-     To make the sun the active layer, 
-click on the icon in the sun layer in the 
-Layers window (if you click the name 
-of the sun layer, then Synfig thinks 
-you want to rename the layer, so click 
-the blue icon instead). Then click the 
-Transform tool in the Tools Window. 
-     ​Notice that the sun shape is high- 
-lighted in a peculiar way: it shows you 
-the outline of the shape with a single 
-node along the edge, and it has a sec- 
-ond node in the center of the shape. 
-The center node represents the loca- 
-tion of the shape on the canvas. The 
-node along the outline represents 
-the span of the shape in space; that 
-is, if you wanted to resize the sun, you 
-would use the outside node. If you 
-want, as we do, to move where the 
-sun is located on the canvas, then 
-you click and drag the center node. 
-     Do that now, so that the sun is 
-hidden, or nearly hidden, behind the 
-landscape shape. Once the sun is 
-properly positioned, locate the Ani- 
-mation button: it's an icon of a green 
-stick figure, in the lower right of the 
-canvas window. When you click 
-it, it creates a red border around 
-your canvas so that you know that 
-you are in Animation Mode; in this 
-mode, anything you do is recorded 
-by Synfig, so be careful! 
-     Now that you are in Animation 
-Mode, you need to record the posi- 
-tion of the sun. Grab onto the center 
-node of the sun with your transform 
-tool, and "​jiggle it" (believe it or not, 
-that's a technical term). To "​jiggle",​ 
-all you need to do is move the sun a 
-pixel or two; this registers with Synfig 
-that the sun's attributes should be 
-recorded and if you look down at your 
-Timetrack window, you'll see a big 
-red diamond has appeared at frame 
-0, meaning that everything (color, 
-size, position) has been recorded. 
-     By default, we have 5 seconds to 
-work with, and there are 24 frames 
-in a second. If 24 frames are 1 sec- 
-ond, if we had the sun high in the sky 
-at frame 23 or so, then we'd have 
-an animation of an unnaturally fast 
-sunrise. Probably a 3 second dura- 
-tion would be a lot better, so click in 
-the Timetrack along the top so that 
-your blue marker line sits roughly at 
-the 3 second mark. 
-     ​We'​ve moved Synfig forward in 
-time, so now we need to move the 
-sun in space. Drag the sun using the 
-transform tool and the sun's center 
-node, into the sky. Notice that the 
-Timetrack window again adds a big 
-red keyframe diamond at the posi- 
-tion of your blue marker, meaning 
-that every attribute of your sun has 
-been recorded. 
-     And just like that, you've created 
-an animation! 
-Viewing the Animation 
-First thing'​s first: get out of Anima- 
-tion Mode by clicking the red stick 
-figure in the lower right of the Can- 
-vas window. That dis-arms your 
-workspace and protects you from 
-unintentional animation. 
-    You can playback a preview- 
-version of your animation using the 
-playback controls at the bottom of 
-your canvas. Use the leftmost Re- 
-wind button to go back to the start 
-of your animation, and the Play but- 
-ton to play through it once. Don't 
-worry about the quality; this is real- 
-time rendering that is meant only to 
-give you a rough idea of timing and 
-    To get a full quality render of your 
-animation, choose Render from the 
-File menu. This brings up the Ren- 
-der dialogue window. There are a lot 
-of choices; don't panic. 
-     By default, Synfig wants to ren- 
-der your animation out as a series 
-of PNG files, because that's how 
-professional animators work. You 
-probably would rather have a movie 
-file, so change the filename to sun- 
-     ​Change the Target to ffmpeg 
-and click the Parameters button to 
-choose what kind of movie file you'd 
-like to end up with. For now, use the 
-Theora codec with a bitrate of 8000. 
-Change the Quality setting to 8. 
-     You can leave everything else 
-as it is for now; the current settings 
-will render a stand-definition Ogg 
-Theora file. The great thing about 
-          Synfig is that it uses vec- 
-          tors, so if you want to render 
-          a high definition version of 
-          your animation, all you have 
-          to do is change the width to 
-          1920 and height to 1080 
-          and you'll have a hi-def ver- 
-          sion of your animation that 
-          you can play back for all 
-          your friends on your fancy 
-          new big screen TV. Admit- 
-          tedly, our simple sunrise 
-          animation probably doesn'​t 
-          quite warrant that yet. 
-              When the file is finished 
-          rendering, you'll see a "File 
-          rendered successfully"​ note 
-          in the lower left corner of 
-          your Canvas window. That 
-      means that you can open 
-          up your files with the Files 
-application in the sidebar of your 
-Ubuntu desktop, double-click the 
-sunrise.ogv file, and view your 5 
-second animation again and again. 
-    Don't quit your day job, but give 
-yourself a pat on the back. You've 
-just created an animation! 
-Now that you know how to draw in 
-Synfig, try creating a character. An ap- 
-propriate choice in this context might 
-be a rooster, which typically crow at 
-dawn. If you are drawing a rooster, 
-try thinking of it in movable parts: 
-of course it would have feet, a body, 
-wings, a neck, head, and beak. Each 
-part should be given its own layer, 
-which we will then encapsulate them 
-together. It helps to think of this pro- 
-cess in terms of paper-cutout anima- 
-tion or puppetry, in which each body 
-part is its own distinct object con- 
-nected to everything else by joints. 
-    Encapsulation is a method that 
-Synfig Studio uses to ensure that 
-certain elements move together. 
-More importantly,​ the order of lay- 
-ers within groups actually influ- 
-ences how each body part moves, 
-because the movement of a lower 
-layer will inherit the movement of a 
-higher layer. For instance, if you are 
-drawing a beak on a rooster'​s head, 
-then you'd obviously want the beak 
-to move along with the head no mat- 
-ter what. If you drew a farmer, then 
-you'd want his hands to move along 
-with his forearms, which in turn 
-should move with his upper arm. 
-    This is called "​rigging",​ which is 
-a fancy term for, essentially,​ defining 
-the skeleton and muscle structure 
-of an animated character. The fact 
-that Synfig Studio uses this method 
-of movement places it a head above 
-(so to speak) other animation pack- 
-ages, which require the animator to 
-select each individual part of a char- 
-acter to make sure that everything 
-stays together. 
-    To encapsulate layers together, 
-control-click on the layers in the Lay- 
-er Palette that you want to encap- 
-sulate. Right-click on any one of the 
-selected layers and choose Encap- 
-sulate from the contextual menu. 
-    These layers are now bound to- 
-gether and grouped into an Inline 
-Canvas, meaning that the movement 
-and transformations that occur with- 
-in the encapsulation will not affect 
-anything outside. Notice that as a 
-group, there is a new transformation 
-node, located in the center of the 
-canvas area rather than at the cen- 
-ter of the character you have drawn. 
-     Once you have encapsulated 
-layers, you can move the capsules 
-themselves or layers in and out of 
-the capsules. You can move cap- 
-sules into capsules, or layer into 
-capsules. The dragging and drop- 
-ping can get tricky, just know that 
-when a layer is inside of a capsule, 
-it gets indented a little to show that 
-it's encapsulated. It doesn'​t get in- 
-dented a whole lot, but if you look 
-for it, you'll see it; there are also 
-placeholder lines that appear as 
-you drag a layer or capsule around, 
-so you'll get a feel for where things 
-are getting dropped. 
-     My rooster (which may or may 
-not look like a penguin) has an arm 
-with an anthropomorphic elbow/ 
-wrist, as animated birds often do. If I 
-want to animate this arm to raise up 
-to the sky when my rooster crows, I 
-need to rig the arm. 
-     ​Rigging is done in cascading or- 
-der of influence, using special layers 
-called Transformation Layers. 
-     As it is right now, I have an en- 
-capsulated layer group called wing- 
-Upper, which contains the line and 
-the fill of the upper wing. It also 
-contains another encapsulated layer 
-group called wingLower. All of this 
-exists within the encapsulated group 
-called rooster. It makes sense if you 
-think of it in traditional outline form: 
-rooster, body, wingUpper, line & fill, 
-wingLower, line & fill, feet. 
-     In order to rotate wingUpper (and 
-all layers under it, until the end of its 
-encapsulation),​ add a Rotate Layer 
-at the top of the wingUpper capsule. 
-     Add a rotate layer by right click- 
-ing on the layer you want to add the 
-rotate above, and select New Layer ­> 
-Transform ­> Rotate. 
-     Once you've added a Rotate 
-layer, click on one and look to your 
-canvas. You'll notice that new nodes 
-have appeared; this time, there are 
-two: a blue and a green. The green 
-is the pivot point and the blue is your 
-handle. Imagine attaching a stick to 
-your elbow or knee; the part touch- 
-ing your joint would be green, and 
-the part that allowed you to adjust 
-its position would be blue. 
-    Click and drag with your Trans- 
-form tool the green node and place it 
-at the "​joint"​ of the body part you are 
-animating. Once positioned, you can 
-use the Rotate tool from the tools 
-window to rotate that body part. You 
-will notice that any layer underneath 
-this rotate layer rotates right along 
-with it; if you've rigged it correctly, 
-you'll have the elbow moving along 
-with the shoulder, but the elbow able 
-to move independently as well. 
-    Animating rigged body parts 
-is exactly the same as animating 
-something like the sun earlier in this 
-article; position your time marker at 
-some frame number, enter Anima- 
-tion Mode, jiggle the body part to 
-establish its starting position, and 
-then place your time marker further 
-into the future and move the body 
-part to its end position. 
-A Note Regarding Sound 
-Cartoons and sound effects were 
-practically made for each other, so it 
-warrants some discussion here. Synfig 
-Studio is an animation program, not a 
-video editor, so there'​s no way to bring 
-sound into Synfig. This is actually pret- 
-ty normal, because in animation the 
-soundtrack is generally produced first 
-and the drawings are done to fit the 
-soundtrack. Then the drawings and 
-sound are married together in a video 
-editing application like OpenShot or 
-even ffmpeg on the command line. 
-     ​That'​s all pretty simple; hard 
-part is drawing to sound. How do 
-you know at what frame to have a 
-character open or close their mouth 
-for dialogue? The answer is to sit 
-down with your soundtrack and a 
-stopwatch (or, more likely, Audacity, 
-installable from the Ubuntu Soft- 
-ware Center), and listen to it. Time it, 
-so that you know exactly how many 
-seconds from the start point your 
-character starts speaking a given 
-line. Translate those seconds into 
-frames, and write it all down on a 
-cue sheet (spreadsheets are usually 
-used for this; good thing you have 
-LibreOffice preinstalled on Ubuntu). 
-     When you render out your synfig 
-animation, it really is best to render 
-it to a series of PNG images. Most 
-video editors will let your import a 
-folder of PNGs and will even group 
-them together as if though they 
-were video files. This keeps your 
-animations frame-accurate,​ and 
-your video and sound will sync per- 
-fectly. Kdenlive and Openshot are 
-great video editors for Ubuntu, so 
-give them a try when you reach this 
-stage of your project. 
-     ​Otherwise,​ you now know every- 
-thing you need to know about Syn- 
-fig! Check out more of their tutorials 
-and samples online; the sky is the 
-limit with Synfig, whether you're do- 
-ing traditional 2d animation as 
-we've done in this article, or com- 
-plex rotoscoping on video clips, or 
-simple title animations, you've got a 
-full animator'​s toolkit and some se- 
-riously dangerous know-how, so go 
-bring something to life! 