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screenwriter [2015/06/01 01:50]
slackermedia created
screenwriter [2021/06/03 19:48]
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-The most universal and simple solution is Screenwriter.el a fork of  
-Screenplay.el by Vance L. Simpson. This is an excellent screenplay (major) mode 
-for GNU Emacs that is easy to use, efficient, and will work on any and every 
-platform that the ubiquitous and revered GNU Emacs works on. 
-If you are running a default install of Slackware, as Slackermedia recommends, 
-then you will have Emacs installed already. If you have not installed Emacs, 
-you will find it in the e package set. 
-Installing .el files for Emacs is as simple as placing the .el in a user-owned 
-~/elisp directory, and then adding that ~/elisp directory into Emacs' load 
-directory if it is not already there: 
-$ mkdir ~/elisp 
-$ wget 
-$ tar -xf screenwriter-1.5.tar.bz2 
-$ mv ./​screenwriter-mode/​screenwriter.el ~/elisp 
-$  echo "​(add-to-list '​load-path \"​~/​elisp\"​)"​ >> .emacs ​ 
-$ echo "​(require '​screenplay)"​ >> .emacs 
-Start emacs and press meta x, and type screenwriter-mode. You are now in  
-screenplay-mode and can start writing in proper screenplay format. Read the 
-comments in ~/​elisp/​screenplay.el for instructions on how to use the 
-application,​ or read on for use and optimization,​ Slackermedia style. 
-Using and Optimizing Screenwriter-mode 
-There are three elements in screenplays:​ 
-  * Slug Lines (scene headings, such as INT. CAFE - NIGHT) 
-  * Screen Direction (blocks of action text, wherein the screenwriter describes 
-    what a character is doing physically during a scene) 
-  * Dialogue (heavily indented blocks of text in which characters speak) 
-Accessing each element is done with keyboard commands that can be easily 
-remembered with the mnemonic SAD: 
-  * Control-c s Slugline 
-  * Control-c a Action (Screen direction) 
-  * Control-c d Dialogue 
-Additionally,​ you can use Control-c t to insert Transitions (indented and 
-capitalized blocks for CUT TO:, FADE IN, FADE OUT, and so on). 
-Whitespace is handled for you, so there is no need to place a blank line 
-between the actor'​s lines, or between a slugline and the beginning of the 
-action, and so on. 
-Alternate keybindings for each element type centers around the tab key: 
-  * tab return Slugline 
-  * tab tab return Action 
-  * tab tab tab return Dialogue 
-  * tab tab tab tab return Transition 
-Streamlining Screenwriter-mode 
-Make screenwriter-mode a quicker launch from within emacs by adding a global 
-keyboard shortcut for it, and defining the expected file suffix: 
-  ; a quick and easy way to enter screenplay-mode 
-  ​ 
-  (global-set-key (kbd "<​f5>"​) 
-  '​screenplay-mode) 
-  ​ 
-  ; open any file with a .scp or .screenplay suffix in 
-  screenplay-mode 
-  ​ 
-    (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '​("​\\.scp"​ . screenplay-mode) 
-    auto-mode-alist)) 
-  ​ 
-  (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '​("​\\.screenplay"​ . screenplay-mode) 
-  auto-mode-alist)) 
-  ​ 
-Save your .emacs file and launch Emacs. Pressing F5 should place you in  
-screenplay-mode. Pressing control-c s will start a new slugline for you,  
-control-c a an action block, and control-c d a dialogue block. 
-Save a sample screenplay (sample.scp,​ for example), and then close Emacs. Open  
-Emacs again and open a file via the File menu or by using the control-x ​ 
-control-f key sequence. Open your sample.scp and note that Emacs opens it in  
-In Dolphin, you can right-click on sample.scp and choose to Open With Emacs, 
-and it will be opened in screenplay-mode in Emacs. However, default KDE uses 
-the much faster single-click method, so it would be nice if a single click on 
-any .scp or .screenplay file would open prompt KDE to launch Emacs, and Emacs 
-in turn to open in screenplay mode. 
-Emacs is already set for .scp and .screenplay,​ so only KDE now needs to be 
- 1. Open System Settings; open it and select the File Associations panel. 
- 2. Click the Add... button on the left of the panel to add a new file type. 
- 3. Place it in the Text category. It will be placed at the bottom of the text 
-    list; select it and configure it on the right side of the panel. 
- 4. You may give it a custom icon, such as something from the Oxygen Icon set 
-    that suggests movies or the default Emacs Document icon, and define the 
-    file extension as both *.scp and *.screenplay. 
- 5. Give the Application Preference Order a sensible set of applications. The 
-    documents are in plain text, so they may be opened in any text editor; ​ 
-    Emacs as the first is obvious, Kate and KWrite are likely candidates for 
-    fallback applications. 
- 6. Click the Apply button in the lower right corner to save your 
-    configuration. 
-Now if you click on sample.scp from Dolphin, KDE will open it in Emacs, and  
-Emacs will enter screenwriter-mode. 
-You now have a screenplay authoring program for Slackermedia,​ and quite likely 
-for any other platform you possibly run. 